Looks like I let almost a whole month get away from me without updating my blog. Looks like I must have been busy. Which is a good thing, I've been staying out of trouble. Mostly. So an update for all of you who don't read my blog...
I've been team teaching a 6th grade natural disasters class. I love it. I love teaching. I picked the right major. I'm happy. And blessed. YES.
I was in a stand-up comedy show. It went well. People laughed. Email me if you want the link.
I got a new phone. And a new phone number. Kinda traumatic because I had the same phone number since the beginning of time. The new phone is way fancier than I need. Has the internet. WOW.
Valentine's Day came. And went. Not traumatic. Ate a great hamburger.
There has been lots of talking to stuffed animals.
I'm still obsessed with sports.
Life is good. I am blessed.
I got 100% on a midterm. That NEVER happens. It's given me motivation to do homework and study now, since there is actually hope for me.
I feel like something else has happened. I don't remember. Oh well. If it was important...I'd remember. Or if you were here...you'd know why I can't remember.
Over and out.
"Charity is a defining characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ"
hey you gotta refriend me on facebook. I can't find you anywhere...and I miss you